We learned about our digital footprints this week! Our class found it really interesting; the speaker who came definitely had a long Q&A section. After our homework and Jesse Miller’s talk with us, I think all of us will have decided to incorporate discussions on digital footprints with our future students.
Whether we like it or not, employers often do search up job candidates online, and students should be aware of this. Common Sense Media has digital literacy lesson plans which are divided by grade level. Media Smarts also has lesson plans, as well as digital literacy standards by province/ territory.
As important as it is to warn learners about the potential consequences of what they’re posting online, it’s also important to remind them how it can benefit them. A LinkedIn profile that shows their achievements and their volunteerism would be beneficial for scholarships and job applications. Artistic students might find use in creating a digital portfolio to showcase their artwork. Teaching students about digital literacy can also focus on the positives of a digital footprint!